Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Report from the Tide Pools + Birthday Aftermath

I'm officially out-of-shape old lady. Daniel swung by at 1pm for my first spearfishing training session. We hit the tidepools at the end of the street (same pools I was in Sunday) but this time we went all the way out. Turns out there's a wicked current at the outer pools...try as I might I couldn't swim it. I just thrashed like hell and stood still. I had to give up half way out & grab a piece of coral to rest. Thank god it's only two feet deep there. I grabbed coral & sat down in disgust :) Daniel said it took him two months of practicing every day before he built up the strength to get through it. I felt like less of a wuss, but still! We did see an eagle ray & fish that blew my mind. Nothing can outdo the color mother nature dreams up on a coral reef. I have an underwater digicam on the way from Amazon so I'll have pix soon!

I hit the Hilo farmer's market this morning & was *greatly* relieved to find everything I could get in Berkeley - organic, fresh and inexpensive. I won't starve here after all! After that I popped into Nautilus dive shop to get my own snorkel gear. I borrowed fins yesterday & got a wicked foot cramps in the deepest pool. It's pretty alarming to loose the use of your legs in 20 feet of water! Definitely made me glad I was snorkeling with a buddy! Luckily I hit a spanking sale at Nautilus so I was able to get prime gear that I'll be able to use when I scuba certify. woot!

So last night was Karine's birthday. We all went into old town Pahoa & got too drunk on margaritas (save our three designated drivers). We have a great shot of the hung over youngsters strewn around the porch with packages of frozen peas on their heads & half eaten omlettes resting on their bellies.

Back in a bit, Cat just got me my first paying gig! LOVE IT! Now I can pay for my snorkeling gear :)

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