Thursday, December 20, 2007

I am Le Nerd

I made my website this weekend - well the guts anyway. And I made it with PHP. Oooooh la la....all the nerdy joys of templates without DTL. It started with one php snippet, then of course I had to bust out the TYPE-A and make it as 'streamlined' as possible. I can't leave well enough alone. Kinda cool though. Two small templates generate the entire site, with one file holding the settings to make each page look different, then the unique content pages. GEEK GEEK GEEK.

Other big news is that the container is on the ground! It's been raining every day so I can't play with it yet. First job is to harvest 20' bamboo up the hill & make a rain structure to keep the container dry while I'm fussing with it. Bamboo is free, renewable and compostable folks, so please refrain from lecturing me about how much easier/cheaper/faster it'll be to make my shade structure out of lumber or the metal carports! I appreciate the advice, but I can't grow Doug Fir or Steel in my back yard - but bamboo.... that I can do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, uh, where's the new website? ;-)
You didn't give a URL or link...