Thursday, May 31, 2007

serendipity strikes again

So...I'm not in Hawaii yet. I couldn't get things tied up in time to catch my plane on Monday. Everything is now officially done & I get to relax! Last Friday I was walking to morning coffee & thought "man, what I wouldn't give to have my mom here for this move!" She's a master packer & moves every family member & friend she has. One hour later she called me - suprise! she's coming for 36 hours to help - WOW. Psychic mommy!

Right now I'm sitting outside the warehouse on the wireless & one of my warehouse-mates walked up. "Erin I just heard you are moving to Hawaii!" Yup! Turns out he had dinner with a friend last night who just bought 5 acres by me and is packing his first container up. Whoa! I'm boing to call to see if I can get some of my stuff in his container (my preciiousssss schwanky bed) and if I he'll have room in his contaiers he's sending later. How cool! It makes missing my flight on monday worth it for sure!

Off to look for flights!

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